Sunday, April 4, 2021

Week 12, April 5-9, 2021, United States History: Module 14.4 Environmental Activism, 15.1 Taking on Segregation, &15.2 The Triumphs of a Crusade

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance

Standards: 11.3.3, 11.6.5, 11.8.2, 11.9.7, 11.10.2, 11.10.3, 11.10.4, 11.10.5, 11.10.6, 11.10.7, 11.11.1, 11.11.3
Essential Question: Why should all Americans have equal rights and opportunities?
Objectives: SWBAT
  • Discuss the origins of the Civil Rights Movement in the post-World War II years.
  • Describe the events that began the civil rights movement.
  • Evaluate the important role of African American churches during this time.
  • Analyze the role that President Eisenhower played in the civil rights movement.
Introduction: Lesson description and mini Civil Rights lecture (screencast)
Session 1
Project 40 minutes: Enrichment 14.4 (Choose one)
1.     Rachel Carson and DDT
2.     An Earth Day Activity
3.     Redwood National and State Parks
Reading 15 minutes: What were the consequences of Plessy v. Ferguson?
Lecture 20 minutes:
  1. Separate-but-equal
  2. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
  3. sit-ins
  4. Thurgood Marshall
  5. Brown v. Board of Education
  6. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  7. Southern Christian Leadership Conference
  8. Crisis in Little Rock
Session 2
GRWB 20 minutes: Module 15.1 Taking on Segregation p. 248-251
Inquiry 10 minutes:
  1. What is more important when creating permanent change in society, the legal side or the mindset of Americans?
Lecture 15 minutes: Ch. 15.2 Slides
Research 35 minutes:
  1. Pick one to research
  2. Describe who, what, when, where, why
  3. Why is this event, organization or person important in the Civil Rights Movement?
  4. Three Pieces of Evidence defending your case
  5. Describe why some may not view this as significant
  6. Create a piece of writing describing why your choice is significant in creating change in America. Make sure the writing is 3-5 paragraphs in MLA format. Cite sources for three pieces of evidence using easy bib. 
Session 3
Writing 40 minutes: 
  1. Create a piece of writing describing why your choice is significant in creating change in America. Make sure the writing is 3-5 paragraphs in MLA format. Cite sources for three pieces of evidence using easy bib. 

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