Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Agenda, Attendance, and Pledge of Allegiance
Standards: 11.4.6, 11.7.7, 11.7.8, 11.8.4, 11.8.5, 11.9.1, 11.9.2, 11.9.3, 11.9.4, 11.9.5, 11.9.6, 11.11.2, CST1, HREP.3, HI.2, HI.4
Objectives: SWBAT
- Define the containment policy of the United States during the Cold War era.
- Discuss how the United States supported its allies during the Berlin Crisis.
- Describe how the Cold War guided policies in Asia.
- Analyze the events of the Korean War.
EQ: Did anyone win the Cold War?
Session 1
Lecture 20 minutes: 11.6
SHEG 30 minutes: Atomic Bomb
GRWB 25 minutes: Guided Reading Workbook: 12.1 The Origins of the Cold War
Session 2
Reading 25 minutes: Reading California Connections p. 569 CC12-1
- How did American foreign policy shift after World War II?
- What was Containment? How was it employed?/How did anti-communism drive foreign policy?
- Why was the period between 1946 and 1990 known as the Cold War?
- How was the COld War fought domestically? How did the government work to combat the perceived threat of Communism domestically? How were American politics shaped by the Cold War?
- How did the War affect ordinary Americans?
- How did the Cold War end and what foreign policy developments came out of it?
Lecture 15 minutes: Ch. 12.2 The Early Years of the Cold War."
Reading 20 minutes: Korean War
- What was the Korean War about?
- When did the Korean War Happen?
- How did the Korean War End?
- Why is it important?
- Where are the key places of the Korean War?
Lecture 20 minutes: Ch. 12.3 The Cold War and American Society
Audio 5 minutes: Execution of Rosenbergs
Session 3
GRWB 30 minutes: Module 12.3 The Cold War at Home
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives
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