Sunday, October 18, 2020

Week 11, October 19-23, 2020, United States History: Module 6.2 Spanish American War 3. Acquiring New Lands 4. America as a World Power

Into 5 minutes: Standards, Objectives, Attendance, and Agenda

Objectives: SWBAT
  • Describe the importance of the Panama Canal.
  • Identify the results of the political stalemate in Washington from 1877-1896.
  • Explain the rise of populism and its impact on American politics at the turn of the century.
  • Describe the segregated society created in the Southern states in the late 1800s.
  • describe the Imperialist Vision of the United States
Essential Questions: Did American Imperialism have a positive or negative impact on the world and the United States?

Session 1 
Warm Up 15 minutes: p. 308-309 "Why the Panama Canal Matters." #1-2
Lecture 10 minutes: USS Maine
Answers 15 minutes:Graphic Organizer
Reading 15 minutes: Reading Spanish American War
  1. When was it written?
  2. Who wrote it?
  3. What are the Provisions?
  4. Why was it written?
Session 2 
Research 20 minutes: Please research one aspect of the Spanish American War

  1. Yellow Journalism
  2. Battles
  3. Philippines/Cuba/ Puerto Rico
  4. Teddy Roosevelt/Rough Riders
  5. William Randolph Hearst/Joseph Pulitzer
  6. Spanish Treatment of Cubans
  7. Famous Quotes
Assessment 30 minutes:6.4 #1-4

Session 3 
Answer Essential Questions 30 minutes: Did American Imperialism have a positive or negative impact on the world and the United States?
Closing 5 minutes: Review Objectives.

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